Monday, July 26, 2010

Day 207: Football Boy

Oh today.......Well not much to say about today. I went to work, where luckily I got to work with Reg today. I came home and worked on my quilt and that is about it. On the super plus side of's raining!!!!!! I love the rain soooooo much! Curse you Utah summer for not bringing me any rain! But I sure do love it....maybe my dad was right.....maybe I should move to Seattle ;D

On another note for today......Jeff started football. This is good and bad. Good because he loves doing it and it fun to watch and so many other things. Bad because I will barely get to see him, we have to live with football, workout boy smell and I wont actually get to see him play this season at all. I am hoping I came come watch a fingers are crossed!!!! But I honestly don't know how he does it. Starting now until school starts. He has two a day practices and they aren't easy. I don't know why he loves it, but he does!

This is where Jeff started out football! Let's call this the before shot cuz this was when he had first started playing!
Here is another little league picture. We played Copper Hills for this game and Jeff had some awesome hits!!!
This is Jeff playing some high school ball. He is #73! He is an awesome defensive player!
This is Jeff now!!!!! I LOVE this picture. We will call this the after shot. this was taken last year when he played Bingham, so that makes this picture even that much better. He was sooooo happy after that game. He came off the field with Bingham blue paint scratched all over his was awesome!!!!

I really do love that Jeff is a football player. I know the Jags don't have the best team, but it is still fun to go and watch him play. He always plays a good game. Last year he had an excellent season! He intercepted the ball during the Provo game last year, which lead, on the next play, to a touchdown! It was the coolest things I have ever seen!!!!!! Anyway I just wanted to give an update on that and I hope that the Jeff, and the Jags, have a great season this year. I am super bummed I cant go, but hey........Now I have Aggie ball WOOT WOOT.........TOOTLES!!!!

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