Friday, September 3, 2010

Day 246: TGIF

Not much going on today, but all I can say is.........TGIF!!!! It has been such a long week and I am glad it is finally the weekend....and a 3 day weekend at that! Anyway, so last night was loads of fun though. Me, Caitlin, her boyfriend Nathan, and his roommate Mat all watched the Utes opening football game and what a way to open the season. Utes winning 27 to 24 in overtime......What a game! Not to mention getting to watch it with a cute boy! Then later, Cherise showed up with her cousin and his roommate, who by the way were also very cute and a bunch of us just kind of hung out for a little while......super fun! I also discovered that knowing football is totally useful! I can actually talk to the boys when the game is going on and everything they say makes since and it is wonderful! It is like I speak a little bit of boy is sooooooo cool...and the boys will talk to me cuz they know, I know what I am talking about........IT'S SOOOOO COOL!!!!!!!!!!

As for today.....I feel rather accomplished! I went to class and institute and then I went to the library for a little bit and then came home and did some more homework. I then went to Walmart and got my shopping list taken care of.....I got a ton of stuff on my to - do list done today....WOOT WOOT!!!!!

Other than that has been pretty chill. Later tonight me and my roommates are going to the dance out on the quad tonight. It is our activity tonight for week of welcome and what is even better is that it is an 80's dance. I will take pics and hopefully get a memory card reader so all our loveliness can be seen! Well I better go.........TOOTLES!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you had a great week - can't wait to see you this weekend - woot woot!
