Thursday, September 9, 2010

Day 252: Cookies

So today went on forever, however I got some homework done again so I am feeling pretty good. Also today, Morgan Hall tie dyed!!!!! We are having a dodge ball war against Rich hall next week so we both tie dyed our tea, colors today! I am super excited....I think it's going to be way fun.

After we decided we wanted to make cookies so Cherise, Saundra and I started that and then Kaelyn and Maren joined us and we just got the chance to chill and hangout and have fun for a little while. Well it turned out we had a lot of cookies so we decided, since we hadnt met them yet, to go meet the boys next door! They are all way super nice and we have seriously spent like the last two plus hours just chatting with them and having a good time! I love college life it is so much fun. Although on the down side I have class in 9 hours so I really need to go to bed.......TOOTLES!!!!!

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