Monday, June 27, 2011

Cupcake Madness

Alright....I know I haven't blogged in forever and then some, but to be honest, its because I haven't had anything to blog about. The past month as been pretty boring. I've worked, gone to a few farewells and read a lot. That is about it, but yesterday is a total blogging moment, so I thought I would share in the greatness that Kelsey, Chloe and I experienced yesterday!

I have one word for you......CUPCAKES!!!!!! So chloe has this fabulous book of creative cupcake ideas. If you want to make something out of a cupcake....its in the book. There are instructions on how to make ducks, spaghetti, scarecrows, and anything else you can think of. So since it was a boring sunday we decided we wanted to try and make 12 ducks and 12 bears.

We first started by making the actual cupcakes, cuz its a little hard to make extreme cupcakes without the actual cupcake!

Alright, so after we got the cupcakes going, we then had to frost and start adding on to make our cute ducks and bears. We had to use doughnut holes and marshmallows for the head and the tails. We then freezed them, dipped them in melted frosting, freezed again and starting adding on stuff.

Here are our cute freezer ducks!

Here is Kelsey putting on the finishing touches!!!!

So after 5ish hours of baking, decorating, dipping, freezing, and snacking ourselves into a deep sugar-coma......we finally had deformed, but strangely cute duck and bear cupcakes!

We had such a fun time making them! They are not as easy as they look though and they do take a lot more time then originally thought as well, but it was a ton of fun!!!!! So if you are ever in need of a something to do, go buy yourselves this book and get started......It's totally worth it!!!


  1. I love the little ducks with their tails in the air--so cute and clever!

  2. AWESOME! I am uber impressed...I just look at my books and sigh...they look way cute on my shelf though, LOL.
