Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Resolutions

Finally......I HAVE STARTED A BLOG!!!! my friend Chelsea challenged our young women to blog for 365 days and I thought what better day to start then the very beginning of a new year!!! With that being said I would like to jot down just a few resolutions for the year of 2010!

Resolutions for 2010:
1. Graduate from high school
2. Move into college
3. Sew something amazing
4. Kiss a boy ( WILL happen this year)
5. Watch all 10 seasons of Friends in a row

There ya have resolutions. they are fun, they are cheesy, but who doesnt need a little of that in their lives! Happy New Year everybody!!!


  1. Happy New Year my dear Kristen! Welcome to my little bloggin' world =0) love you! love your favorite non facebooker ;)

  2. Good luck on the kiss a boy thing. . .I've been working on that for . . three years now. Hopefully it works better for you than me! I can't WAIT for you to be up at USU with me!!!

  3. I love it!!! Welcome to the blogging world! I love the resolutions. Hey I didn't get my first kiss until I was in college and I was 21 years old!! So you could beat me! Good luck! :)Love ya girl!

  4. Kristen! Welcome to The Challenge! I can't wait to read more of your blog and get a deeper look into your life :)

  5. Hey Kristen I'm Chels' older sis. Chels said blogging is addicting but so is kissing so good luck with both!

  6. Some advice...
    Don't listen to Crystal. Well, maybe sometimes. Be careful when she gives you kissing advice. Kristen, I am so glad you took the challenge. Watch out though, now you will see just how many people love and care about you.
