Friday, March 19, 2010

Day 78: FRIDAY!!!!!

IT IS FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!! That is such a miracle right now, however the down side is now that I am not in school for eight hours of my day, I will now be doing work ALL day long tomorrow, I even have to go to school from 8-12pm to work on my dress cuz it still isnt done.....ahhhhhh!!!!! I am soooooo close on it, yet I am soooooo far from being done!!!!! This week has been so hard and sooooo long and it just doesnt feel like it is coming to end until I hit next wednesday when I go to state for FCCLA! Goodness gracious someone just needs to freeze time and then everything would be perfect!!!!
Even though it was a long week, and even a long day, it was still an excellent day. I pretty much did nothing today at school, which stinks cuz I had so more other stuff to do outside of school. But in english I peer edited, in anatomy I drew, in orchestra I taught violinist to play the cello and in my TA class I talked jay and a very cute blonde haired, guitar playing kid! Then I went and worked on my dress for a little while and then had to head down town. Mom, me and Tia Jaynes have to play for this flute concerto concert thing and we had rehearsal today and all I have to say Flute players are some of the most egotistical people I know. I thought violinists were bad, but I think a couple of these flute players take the cake.
Well that has been my day and I think, even though I should go to bed, that I might stick in Friends for a little while and watch that, because I am just in a Friends watching mood today! Well I am off........TOOTLES!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You've had a hard week this week - I hope you had time for a little "friends" therapy :) Hugs!
