Saturday, May 1, 2010

Day 121: My Senior Prom!

So yesterday's "I" day went awesome!!!!!!!! A ton more people showed up than I ever hoped! Dinner was pretty good, the speed dating activity went awesome and the dance was equally fun. Cute boy showed up too.....I didn't get to dance with him, but I did talk to him for a while so that means after Wednesday's episode he is still willing talk to me....that is weirdness there!!!!! But everything went awesome!!!!!
Well today I pretty much did nothing. I woke up, cleaned my half of the house, watched America's Next Top Model, and fell asleep watching episodes of that as well. Yup fun day! I was a little bummed I couldn't go to prom since it was my last dance I could have gone to, but tonight was still way fun!!!!! Tonight Kenzie, Lauren, Cassie and I all got together at ate pizza and talked and watch Swan Princess and a few episodes of Friends!!!! It doesnt sound horribly exciting.....but it was hysterical!!!!!! None of them had really watched friends and there were a couple episodes that they had to watch so we watched a few episodes and.........THEY LOVED THEM!!!!! None of them realized how funny this show was and we laughed hysterically.
We discovered that Lauren, Kenzie, and I that we are like Monica, Rachel, and Phoebe. It was crazy we just had way too much fun tonight!!!!!! Forget fancy dresses, expensive dinner and dumb boys..........Its all about lazy clothes, cheap pizza and your best friends......that is how senior prom should be!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am heading to bed........TOOTLES!!!!!


  1. I love Friends, both the TV show and great friends, like you!

  2. Sounds like my kind of "senior prom!!!"
