Sunday, May 2, 2010

Day 122: Jeff's Cooking and Rehearsal

Today = not super exciting. I woke up and I went to church, where I had good lessons today, came home and watched some TV and took a nap. I have not napped like I have napped this weekend in a LONG time.......I am talking a super LONG time. I should have been studying for my AP next Monday, but I didn't, and you know what........that is ok!!!!
As for right now, I am watching Mythbusters and smelling the BBQ Chicken that Jeff is cooking out on the know it is almost summer when the BBQ-er comes out. Luckily Jeff is and excellent dad has taught him well. It is rather funny......Jeff loves to BBQ and bake cookies.....don't ask me why, but my brother makes the most amazing home made chocolate chip cookie you have ever had!!!! I love to bake and I can bake quite well, but Jeff takes the cake with his chocolate chip cookies!
Well I am going to help finish making dinner, then I am going to head off to rehearsal. Mom and I are playing for this children's opera thing that her best friend's son composed and put together. I have never met him before, but just a little older than me and goes up to USU.....yeah he is one of those genius, graduated super early type, but I have heard that he is a cutie lol!!! Well I am off........TOOTLES!!!!