Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 123: Mission Accomplished

So I feel pretty good......I made dinner all by myself.....hahahahaha!!!!!! I can cook but it isn't my favorite. I am all about the baking, but TA-DA.....I cooked dinner....WOOT WOOT!!!! Tonight on the menu was enchiladas with salad! I know it doesn't sound like much, but I am stuffed full. I have never made enchiladas before so I would say that tonight was a success!!! Nothing was burnt, cold or gross, so I say that is mission accomplished. I wasn't even planning on making dinner, but mom was doing yard work and she asked me to grate cheese and then I just finished it up. I feel pretty good and now I can add that to my "things that I can cook in college all on my own" list hahahaha! I promise I actually do cook, its not like I never do it, I just usually help mom or cook the same couple things lol!
Not much else going on today. I just finished watching Dancing With The Stars and it was a great episode tonight....everyone danced so well. There are only 6 couples left and I love all of them! Well almost all of them. The couple I like the least is Pamela and Damien, but I still like watching them too! My most favorite couple to watch is Derek and Nicole, but I LOVE Neicy and Louis! Well I am going to go do.........something.........TOOTLES!!!!!!


  1. I agree with your Dancing opinions. Sadly, I think Neicy will leave next.

  2. Wow - you and your brother are cooking up a storm! Enchiladas sounds yum..what time's dinner ;)
