Monday, June 14, 2010

Day 165: My Granny!

WHY OLETA, WHY?!?!?!?! I love my great granny dearly, but today is one of those days where I cant help but hit my head against a wall. My granny passed away in January and we are only barely starting to put a very very very small dent in cleaning out her house. Between growing up in the depression era and not cleaning or throwing out anything after my great uncle and great grandpa passed away years ago, we will probably be cleaning out that house forever! She held onto EVERYTHING....hence the beating of the head against the wall

Today me, mom and Jeff went to tackle a few things. Jeff, the awesomest brother that he is, completely cleaned the front yard. The weeds are gone, the trees and bushes are trimmed, everything. It looks good!!! Mom and me tackled the inside! We organized like crazy and found $18 in cash and too much change to count. I also learned that my gran and I have similar taste. All the purses and wallets I loved were apparently the purses and wallets, according to mom, that she was always carrying around! But we now have stacks everywhere and the biggest stack is the stack of gloves, scarves, hats, purses and wallets that have engulfed her bed because there are so many.

Even though it has been a lot of work and will be a TON more work to do, it is really kinda fun to do sometimes. I knew my gran, but I didn't really know her and by cleaning everything out I am kind of getting a chance to learn a little more about her!
My Granny!
My Granny in her young, sexy years!
My gran in her twenties
Gran and me! I've never seen this pic but I found it looking for pics of her and I love it!

Things about my granny:
1. She was one fashionable woman! She loved clothes, jewelry, purses, scarves and gloves.
2. She always loved to play a game of Skipbo......and she kicked everyone butt at it too!
3. She was never seen without her camera....whether it was a funeral, family party or her haircut appointment, she had her camera, so we have pictures from literally EVERYTHING!
4. She wrote in her journal every day of her life....not kidding
5. At birthday parties, she would always ask for a sliver of cake and a small scoop of ice cream, but she would end up eating more than anyone else
6. She LOVED chocolate ice cream....actually she loved her sweets too!
7. She was stuck in her ways. She'd ask for a new sweater or coat, but still wear the old one if we got her a new one
8. She loved her family more than anything else in the world. She would always call and check on us or send us cards.
9. She never missed her weather forecast, the evening news, Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy
10. She was one of the kindest, most compassionate, selfless woman I know

I could go on forever, but I will stop there. Even though cleaning out her house has been a challenge and will continue to be one, I am glad I get to learn more about her and learn about how she grew up. I love my granny too death and it still strange to walk into her house and not hear her voice, but I know she is ok and that she is happy! I love you Granny!!!


  1. What a nice great-granddaughter you are.

  2. I love that picture! Priceless!

  3. um..the reason she always won at Skip-Bo was because she CHEATED!! Hahahaha! She couldnt stand losing!
