Thursday, June 24, 2010

Day 175: Pseudo Kristen

So, Kristen is at camp and I've been instructed to blog for her. I've been thinking about what to write today because I know she can delete it - however, its also two days before she would be able to do that..hee hee heee.....

I could torment her by putting some horrible picture on here, or by telling you about her landing on her backside in the middle of Lowe's (which was dang funny - and I DID win that contest). But, I think I'll just mention what a good little bug she is.

I thought after I dropped her off yesterday about how different this was than 6 years ago when I left her for her first girls camp. Yesterday it was hop out of the car and "Bye, Mom!" Six years ago it was slobber, snot, tears and holding on to Mama for dear life, hoping that I wouldn't actually make her get on the bus. I think about how different it would have been if I had given in to her pleading about not making her go and how she had to overcome that fear and depend on herself and learn to trust in the new people she was being handed over to for a week.

I have a little girl who is able to trust and look for the goodness in people first, instead of being suspicious and frightened. I have a young woman who can appear confident (even when she's not) and is not afraid to take charge, make a decision and move forward.

In retrospect, difficult as it was (and yes Buggy, it was difficult for Mom too), I'm glad I made her get on that bus six years ago.

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