Monday, July 5, 2010

Day 186: Today

Today has been a pretty good day! I have:

-Made Scones
-Gone to Grandma's and had breakfast.....where we had scones ;D
-Dropped Jeff off to do his first road drive
-Went to Barnes and Noble and wished I had lots of money to buy all the books I want read
-Went to Old Navy where and wished I had more money so I could buy lots of clothes
(I am in a shopping mood....can you tell?!?!?!)
-Picked up Jeff
-Went and bought fireworks
-Went to Harmons to get hamburgers and stuff for homemade ice cream
-Came back to Grandma's
-Read the Sunday Funnies

An exciting day right?!?! Not to bad actually. It has a pretty good day and now I am going to go help make stuff for homemade ice cream..............So excited!!!!!! TOOTLES!!!!!!!!!!

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