Sunday, July 4, 2010

Day 185: 4th of July

Happy 4th of July everybody!!!!!!!!! Can I just say what a great holiday today is! I LOVE the 4th of July!!!!! It is such a great holiday and here are the reasons why I love the 4th of July!

1. Scones - Ever sense I was little every year we get together at my grandmas and celebrate the holiday all day long! Well over time between people moving and other in-laws that doesnt always happen, but regardless of what goes on, we always have breakfast at grandma's and at grandma's we always have homemade scones!!!!! Oh they are soooooo good!!!!! We make them from scratch from my great grandpa's recipe!!!! We deep fry them and have just about everything to put on them......SOOOOOO GOOD!!!!!!

2. Hot Dogs and Hamburgers - We also always barbecue at grandma and grandpa's! Grandpa and Jeff tag team to make the hot dogs and burgers while mom and I usually help make potato salad and other stuff inside!!!! Oh it always tastes soooo good!!!!!
3. Homemade Ice Cream - This part is great!!!! We never make homemade ice cream except on the 4th and 24th of July!!!!! I always look forward to checking to make sure the ice cream isn't "poisonous" and then having it after dinner! This is usually where I make myself sick every year because I usually have about 2-3 bowls!!!! hahahahahaha...can you tell my family loves food!
4. Family - I love this part of the holiday! It stinks that my aunt lives down in St. George and my uncle is usually at his in-laws for the 4th, so we don't have us all together like we use to, which I miss a ton! I miss getting to go swimming with them and having a good time altogether, but at least I get the chance to spend with mom, jeff and my grandparents.....we always have a lot of fun!
5. Friends - Friends are also a fun part of this holiday. I usually don't hang out with my friends on the actual holiday, but I do hang out with them on the holiday weekend! We always have a good time and this year I got to hang out with a couple of friends and watch fireworks and get frozen was awesome!!!!
6. TV Movies and Marathons - Has anyone ever noticed that there are always good movie marathons or movies on TV during this holiday! I love a good movie on TV. This year I have watched Meet Me In St. Louis and Star Wars! There has been a lot more on TV too I just haven't watched them!
7. Fireworks - I LOVE fireworks!!! I use to hate fireworks as a kid because they were so loud, but now I love fireworks and how lucky are we that we get them twice this month......that is so awesome!
8. Our Country - I love this holiday because it reminds me of the great country that we live in. I am not an OVERLY patriotic person, but I do love my country and respect the men who have died and have and are fighting for our freedom! We live in a pretty awesome place and I am s o thankful that I live here and that I have the freedoms that I do!


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