Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 188: SOAR

What. A. Day! I knew SOAR was going to be overwhelming, but I didnt realize how much it would be. SOAR is the student orientation and registration day for all incoming freshmen. Luckily they split up the days, so there were only a couple hundred of us there today. It was really fun, but extremely overwhelming.

My friend Lauren and I actually went up to Logan last night and stayed over night with her sister who is going to school up there. We went and got dinner last night, then we went and cruised Main street and went and looked at the Temple and just kinda chilled! Then this morning we woke up and headed to SOAR!

When we got to SOAR, we went to the Taggart Student Center (TSC) and signed in and got all out stuff that we needed. That consisted of a planner (I LOVE that they gave us planners), a folder with some papers, our name tags, a our student catalog which is about 800 pages thick full of school and class info.

We then met in the Ballroom for our intro and then we broke off into small group and were each assigned an "A - Team" member. They were kind of like our go to guy for the day and everything. My A - Team members name was Adam and he was really awesome! He answered a lot of questions and was incredibly nice and patient with our small group! But once we broke off with our groups we just went and Adam gave us the low down. Deadlines, dates, parking, classes and etc. We got it all!

After that we went to lunch and then got a chance to walk around to some booths and check out some of the stuff the school has. Some of the booths were like booths for the fraternities and sororities, institute, Alumni Club, Connections, Band and so many others!

After that we went back into the Ballroom where we went over academic procedures and learned how to register for classes and what not. After that we were then split into our major and went with our academic advisers and started signing up for classes. Surprisingly....that took a lot out of me. I had to be a real live grown up and figure out all this stuff on my own. I still don't know if I am happy with my schedule, but I still have a month to change it, so I am sure it is not final. However is is my schedule for next year, as of this moment:

-Cello Lessons
-USU Symphony (if I make it in)
-USU Connections (this is just the week before school and it is a class that shows you the ins and outs of school.....its an easy 2 credits)
-Integrated Life Science
-World archeology
-Intro to Astronomy
-U.S. Institution

Without the symphony, I am sitting at 15 credits......I know it is a lot, but I still have some reworking I've got to do, but I'm pretty sure I'll be sitting at about 15 credits for this semester, but these are all General Ed. classes. I have a few more Gen. Ed. classes which I will soon get out of the way. Sadly my major is undeclared, which makes me mad at myself cuz I am not that kind of person. I am always an over planner and not having that figured out is driving me nuts and does not make me feel 100% great, but I will figure it out soon........I hope.
Well there is my first college experience. I am now officially a student. I have my ID card and everything. After that, after fixing the car, Lauren and I headed home and luckily I made it back in time to catch the end of Young Womens! Man I love young womens. I taught the girls tonight how to make my Aunt Kelly's Cookie Dessert Salad.......ITS SOOOOOOO GOOD!!!! And the girls really liked it too! I then got the chance to talk to a few of my leaders for a few before I left! It was so nice to talk to them for a little while! I love those ladies so much.....they are sooooo awesome and they always know just what to say.....they also gave me some great pranking ideas for college.....SOOOO EXCITED!!!!! I am going to miss them when I leave here in a month or so! They are just all so amazing.....Thanks Ladies I had a great time talking to you for a few tonight!

Well I am soooooooo sorry this entry is soooooo long today, but I figured I should write it all down seeing as how it was my first official day as a college student! Well I am heading off to bed! I am exhausted and I have work tomorrow..........TOOTLES!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself for not knowing what you want to major in yet. I think the smart people are the ones who take a variety of classes in the beginning and see what tickles their fancy. You might be surprised at what sparks your interest. Just keep an open mind :)
