Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 189: PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Today has been pretty darn good! I had to go to work today which wasn't too bad. Ya know...I hate the thought of work, but once I am at work, it isn't bad at all. I work with some pretty good people and it isn't to bad. On top of that, when I got home from work I checked the mail and guess what was in there?!?!?!!?!?!?! MY AP MUSIC THEORY SCORE!!!!!!! I was terrified to open it. I actually just stared at it for a minute just to prep myself. Well.....drum roll please......I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOT WOOT!!!!!!! I AM SOOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!!!!! I felt pretty good about the test, but ya never know, but I passed!!!!!!!!! That really just made me day! I actually danced around the kitchen. I was really glad no one was home cuz no one needed to see that hahahaha!

Well after that I went and got my hair cut which felt great!!!! I got it cut a little differently. I needed something a little new since school is starting soon. It isn't drastically different, but a little. I just took off the A line and got more defined layers and more through the top, which means that I hopefully will have a nicer curl through the top, but we will see after I start to play with it some.

That has been about my day. Nothing much going on other than that. I made Hamburger Pie for dinner which tasted pretty good, but besides that nothing much! Well I am going to go........TOOTLES!!!!!!!!!


  1. i can't wait to see your hair!

  2. I "heart" haircuts - can't wait to see! Congrats on your score - Love ya!
