Friday, July 9, 2010

Day 190: Fun Day

Today has been a great day! I had to work today which I was not looking forward to, but work went really well today. We started work late, got super long breaks, found a bat in the gym and played volleyball! Yeah it was a great day at work......we all had some good laughs today!

On top of today I also got the chance to come out to my grandma's and see my cousins who are here from St. George!!!!!!! I never get to see them so I am sooooooooo glad that I got to hang with them for a little while today. My cousin Reilly wants to blog some, so here is her blog for the day!

Reilly's Blog: Today we chased a cupcake man it was a minies cupcake man and we followed it because we did not no where mimnies was but we ended up at the gas station so instead we ended up getting doughnuts!!

Okay I am back!!!!!!!!! We were going to upload a picture of mini cupcakes but the computer wouldnt let us, so instead I am going to have you just imagine little tiny cupcakes!!!!! Well I am going to go hang for a little longer before I have to head out to my other grandma's for the weekend. She is having a yard sale tomorrow and I am going out to help! Well I am out........TOOTLES!!!!!!!!

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