Saturday, July 10, 2010

Day 191: Yard Sale

So today I had my first yard sale. It wasnt for me, and it wasnt my great grandma's stuff, but it was actually at my Grandma Steiner's. We held a yard sale with the neighbors to help raise money for my cousin mission. I woke up at 4:45 and started setting up and 6 and then just chilled and watched over the refreshment table with my cousin and my little sister! It was all highly entertaining! Later after we got home I went with my step mom and sister to get her haircut then we went to a couple other places. Yeah me and Kenna were way wired! See this is what happens when we wake up super early and then sit all day long.......we become crazy!!!!! I love my little sister. She is soooooo much fun to hang out with. I am surprised she still puts up with me half the time, but I love her stinkin guts!!!!!! It was all super fun!!!! Well I better go, I am going to go get a grape shake ;D............TOOTLES!!!!!!

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