Sunday, July 11, 2010

Day 192: A Night with the Friends and A Day with the Fam

So last night and today have been pretty fun! I would like to report that I finally asked Mat out to get a grape shake and it went awesome!!! Some things were just reassured during it all, but hey.....I got a free shake out of it......WOOT WOOT!!!

After that Kathryn and I hung out! It is kinda funny that we spend so much time together now. We hang out like every week end because she is gone all week and we wont be living 5 minutes away from each other for much longer, so we are soaking it all in! But we hung out and we walked around the usual, and ended up texting Reg and taking him ice cream to help him with his girl troubles. oh that boy........but it was so nice to talk to him for a few! I miss his stinkin' guts!!!!!! I didn't realize how much I missed him until after we left last night! What was really funny is that his face is all fuzzy. He came to the realization that since he is going to BYU, he cant have facial hair, so he is living with it while he can get the chance. I must say though, he looks much better clean shaven or a little scruffy! hahahaha oh Reginald! I hope I never lose touch with that boy. hahahahaha Kathryn is set on the fact, especially after last night, that we always have been, still are and would be perfect for each other and that I HAVE to marry him or her whole life would be ruined hahahahaha! She is a crack up, but I like the way she thinks! What would I do without my "devoted sister!"

Well after we left Reg to get his beauty sleep, Kat and I went and picked up Alex and then we drove around for a little while and then decided, around 1 AM, that we were hungry. So we went to Smiths and bought food and came back to my house and cooked it. I went to bed a little after two! I had a good time last night! I love my friends!!!

As for today, I went to church where I had an excellent Young Women's lesson and then after that we headed to my grandma's to celebrate my cousin Hayden's 2nd birthday! My Aunt Kelly and her fam live down and St. George but they are up for the weekend. Hayden's older sister Reilly is the one that blogged the other day! I love those guys so much! They are soooooo much fun to hang around. Today we just had dinner, opened presents, ate cake, chilled for a while, went out side and played croquet and horseshoes! We had a really good time just hanging out. My cute cousins are so much fun! Hayden, Jace, and Reilly are just fun kids who don't stop. We had an excellent night!

I am sorry this entry is a little long, I don't know why i felt the need to blab on tonight, but I did! Well I think I am going to head to bed cuz I have work in the morning and I am one tired girl.........TOOTLES!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I don't think I've ever had a grape shake??? What am I missin out on ;)
