Saturday, July 17, 2010

Day 198: Price

So last night, me, Jeff and my dad and step family headed down to Price to celebrate my step great grandma's 90th birthday. It took a while for us to get down there because of traffic, but we had a good car ride down there. It wasn't like a few years ago when we were all squished inside a little green taurus with no AC in 100 degree weather and bumper to bumper traffic until we reached the canyon. That was highly entertaining, just like this year, but much more comfortable! By the time we got there, we checked into the hotel and then went and got some dinner at Ricardo's.....which was pretty darn good. We then went back at chilled at the hotel and then went swimming which was super fun. I haven't been swimming since orchestra tour! There was pretty much us and a couple other people in the pool so we had a great time. Later after that Mel, Kenna and I went and got treats around 11ish! Later we got back and decided it was a good time to go to bed. We then woke up this morning and got ready and went and had breakfast around 11:30ish and then headed to the party. It wasn't overly exciting but we made due with what we had! Then we went back to grandma's for a few and then came home!

It doesn't sound like much, but I had a good time! It was really the last time I get to hang with the family like that before I start college and have to become an adult and all that kind of stuff. It was a really good time!!!! Love you family!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. awww...the good ol' days with the green taurus. Can't say I really missed it on this trip ;) Loved spending time with you guys! Love you too!
