Friday, July 16, 2010

Day 197: Work and Price

So today was a super fun day at work! Yes I still had to clean but I am getting closer with the people at work and we just have fun with everything we do! Today we cleaned a few rooms and in one of the rooms we found a tennis ball so Kaitlyn, Hope and me teamed up against Cam and Cody and played one intense game of keep away. It was highly entertaining! On top of that we got finished early and since we were in the auditorium, Patti let us have the last half hour to screw around. We ended up playing hide and seek in the auditorium with all the lights turned out! Hope and I discovered one of the dressing rooms and played dress up while we were hiding! Seriously though, work was just a good time today.

Well as for the rest of the day, Jeff and I are just waiting for my dad to come and get us. We are heading down to price this weekend with my dad and step family. We are going down to celebrate my step great grandma's 90th birthday. In all honesty I think I have met her before but I don't know, but I get a night to chill with my siblings in a hotel room all to ourselves......soooooo much fun!!!!!!!!!!! It is kinda my last who-ra with them before I have to leave so I am excited! Well I think I am going to go..........TOOTLES!!!!

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