Thursday, July 15, 2010

Day 196: Girls Night

So last night after I blogged I started texting one of my best friends, Kenzie! We have only seen each other a couple times after school got out which is a total bummer. Well yesterday she wasn't having the best of days so I grabbed some movies and fruit and headed over there so we could hang for a few! It was so great to spend some time together and talk. It is so awesome that even though we don't see and talk to each other as much as we use to, we are still super close! We also always see to be in the same spot so it makes talking that much better! So I got over there and we talked about everything for a little while and then we watched Friends season 3 disk 1 and ate some fruit and chilled! It was awesome and totally what we both needed! I love that girl and I am so glad we got a little to chill for a few yesterday!

Well today has been pretty good as well! Work just gets funner and funner each day. I mean it isn't the most exciting thing, but it is pretty good for work. The people I work with are great and we are not a super close bunch of people, but spending 6 hours a day together sure does make us at least comfortable with each other and we just have a good time!

Well that is about it for today so I think I am going to head..........TOOTLES!!!!!!

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