Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 205: Pioneer Day

Happy Pioneer Day everybody!!!! Today was a great day as was last night! Last night Kat and I went to Bountiful and met up with my family where we watch the Bountiful City parade! It actually was really good. Long but good. Then after we just kinda hung out for a while and were just being......well, us hahaha!

As for today, I had a great is what I did:
-Went to Grandma's and helped cook and the eat breakfast with the fam
-Cleaned up breakfast
-Came home with mom and my cousin, Maddie and pampered my dolls and looked for my barbie box (and discovered, after tearing apart the basement that it was in the garage)
-Went to the mall with mom and Maddie and looked around, got a cookie and tried on some shoes
-Went back to grandma's and help get stuff ready for dinner and ice cream
-Ate and cleaned up dinner
-Ate homemade ice cream and watched fireworks

Over all it has been a great day! I love just having a fun time and chilling with my family! The only bad part to today was that earlier, when I was cookie scones, I went to turn the thing off and get the scone out of the oil at the same time. Well I apparently couldn't do both cuz I ended up dropping the scone and it ended up splashing hot oil on my wrist. Yeah it hurt like a beast, so now I have this oil burn on my arm. Luckily it isn't too bad at all.....I got super lucky. I only got one blister and after putting some aloe on it, it felt way better! But I can now say I have had an oil burn......I've never had one of those before!

Well I am exhausted so I am heading off to bed..........TOOTLES!!!!

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