Friday, July 23, 2010

Day 204: Last Night!

So last night was way fun! I went to pit rehearsal which turned out to be really good and then after I headed over to Lauren's house for a sleepover with her and Kaitlyn. It was a blast!!!!! We had pizza at like midnight, then we watched My Fair Lady, and then we went out on her tramp and got in our sleeping bags and talked forever!!!!!! It was soooooo much fun!!!! We ended up stay up until 6am and then Lauren and I woke up at 9:30, shortly followed by Kaitlyn who only woke up cuz we beat her with pillows.......aren't we loving friends?!?! ;D After that we just had some breakfast and watched a few episodes of Psych!!!! We had a blast.....I love those two girls too death!

Well I think I am going to head, I've got to head out to Bountiful tonight for the parade out there. It is a Steiner Family tradition to go and watch it every year and it is always fun! Well I am out.......TOOTLES!!!!!

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