Thursday, July 22, 2010

Day 203: My Love of the Pit

So today I went to work, as usual, but tonight is really when the fun begins! Tonight I have pit rehearsal for Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooo excited!!!!

The city of Cottonwood Heights is putting it on for their city play and the conductor called mom and said he need players, so she just got a bunch of us from school to play! I absoulutely love playing in a musical pit, it is sooooo much fun! I know the cast has fun during rehearsals and everything and maybe I am slightly bias, but since I have been in the pit and on stage I would have to say the being in the pit is way better than being on stage. Here are my reasons:

1. There are only a few of you so you get to be a really tight, close group

2. Because you are a tight, close group...the whole group is in on funny jokes and secrets

3. You get to sit in a hole (sometimes) where no one can see you

4. No one is focused on the pit, so we get away with a lot of things.....we are just background music
5. We don't have to worry about costumes and stage makeup.....we just show up in black and play

6. I get to play the music I have been listening to and singing to since I was little

7. You feel really cool because you get to be in this huge production that tons of people come to watch....and they always love the music ;D

8. The music world is so small that I get to play with people I know and least this has been the case in every pit I have been in so far

9. We don't have to deal with stage divas and jealousy because someone didn't get the part they want

10. The music and the way it makes me feel to play it!!!!

Wow that is a lot more reasons then I thought I had, but they all just kept coming to me hahaha!!!! I really am excited though and I get to see some of my school friends again before I head off to college! I really can't wait and I will definitely post about it tomorrow!!!

Well then after rehearsal tonight I am heading to Lauren's house, so her, I and our friend Kaitlyn can have a sleepover........I am also equally excited for that!!!!! Man tonight is going to be great! Well I better go..........TOOTLES!!!!!!!

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