Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 209: Water Fun and My Girls

So today has been pretty awesome! I went to work today and then came home and had quartet rehearsal and then went and got stuff for young womens tonight. Tonight for young womens we had water games!!! I had a great time. I was afraid the girls weren't going to have a good time, but it seemed like everyone had a really good time! We played the towel water balloon toss game and then a new game that I found online last night. It was called blind squirt tag. The "it" person is blind folded and has a squirt gun, and then, blind folded, they have to try and get everyone out with in the given area! It actually turned out really well and I think everyone liked it. We then finished off with a water fight and popsicles! It was great and I had a really good time and I think the girls and leaders did too, which was the most important part!

Can I just say that is one of the biggest things I am going to miss when I leave.....all my girls! Even though some of us are 6 years apart, we still have the greatest time together and we still love each other like sisters! They are just so amazing and I am sooooo blessed to know them and I am going to miss them all sooooooo sooooooo much!!!!!!

Well I better go, but thanks girls for a fun night.........TOOTLES!!!!!


  1. That sounds like a blast! I'm sad I missed it!

  2. last night was awesome! i was totally drenched and i'll never forget it
