Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 210: Loved and Freaked Out

So I am super tired today, but I must say I feel totally loved! After almost falling asleep twice last night, I ended up going out back to talk to some of my young women over the fence hahahaha and then I had a few friends who just showed up out of nowhere to say hi!!!!! I am feeling totally loved!!!! I love seeing my friends, even if it means I go to bed two hours later than I had hoped ;D

Other than that, today has been pretty uneventful. I went to my second to last day of work and had a good time and I have a couple of towel welts to prove it hahahaha! On top of that today, we ended up playing hide and seek in the library and after the boys came screaming out of the copy room and after we heard freaky noises, we learned that the library is apparently haunted! We got totally freaked out. Hope and I thought the boys were joking about hearing things, but then they stuck us in the room and we heard things and it totally freaked us out! I don't know what it really was, but I do know that in the dark, your mind can play some big tricks on you. Hahahaha I love when you get freaked out by a good ghost story whether they are real or not. And on top of that, because we were all jumpy, Cody used that opportunity to his advantage and scared quite a few people.......hysterical I tell you!

Well I better go. I have rehearsal tonight and a few other things I have to get done today.......TOOTLES!!!!!

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