Sunday, August 15, 2010

Day 227: Bitter Sweet

So today has been a totally bitter sweet day. I got to go out to my dad's for a little while to celebrate his and Jeff's birthday. I got to spend time with the fam and play with my little cousins and we just had a good time.

But on another note today, today was my last day in young womens at church today :( It is really really sad, but I could not have asked for a better last sunday! I got my Personal Progress Medallion, April and I sung in church, Melissa taught a fabulous sunday school lesson;D, Heather taught a wonderful yws lesson, and I got to hear how much my girls love me! That totally made my day! After the lesson, I got a rose from each of my girls and each told me one thing they would miss or loved about me. Needless to say I cried like a baby, but it was just what I needed to hear today! My girls are so amazing! It kills me that I have to leave such wonderful girls and that I wont get to see them every week, carpool with them in the morning, go to camp, talk about all our deep dark secrets and many other things! Oh my goodness how I am going to miss all of them! I didn't realize it was going to be as hard as it was today, but it just killed me. I really cant even begin to say how much those girlies have taught me over the years! They have influenced me in ways I cant even explain and they are just like sisters to me! Oh how I love all you girls and oh how I am going to miss your beautiful spirits and wonderful smiles!!!!!!

It is so hard to say goodbye and that is one reason I am not looking forward to this week at all. I am no good with goodbyes at all.....I DISLIKE them with a passion. Although, to have a glass half full moment, I know that this week, even as stinkish as it is going to be, means that I have a whole lot of new, exciting things coming, which is good, but it does not make this week any easier. But I will worry about it as it comes, I guess! Again, thank you girlies for making my last yws amazing! I love you guys!!!!!

Well I better go............TOOTLES!!!!!!

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