Monday, August 16, 2010

Day 228: My "Little" Brother

I feel rather productive today! I was able to get a lot done today! The other cool part about today is that today is Jeff's 16th Birthday.......HAPPY BIRTHDAY JEFF!!!!!!! He is now also an official licensed driver, so everyone on the road.......Watch out ;D

These are a couple of my favorite Jeff pictures, so I thought I would put it on so you could all see cute he was as little Jeff!
Hahahaha he use to be sooooo little, but that really isn't the case anymore. I have now started to refer to him as my younger brother instead of my little brother, because he isn't so little anymore standing at 6'3" and weighing 170lbs of muscle.

Oh but how I love my "little" brother! We have always been pretty close even if we disagree.
These are pics that are a 1-2 years old but they are some of my favorite, so I thought I would put them on!
He is such a goof! It is going to be really weird not living with him in the next room. We have some great memories together. Some of my favorite memories are:
-Building forts
-Playing Barbies (hahaha he will never admit it now, but yes, he use to beg me to play barbies)
-Having sleepovers in my room when we were little
-Going grocery shopping.....without mom
There really are so many more memories, but I do not have near enough time to write them all down! I love my little brother too death and I hope that he has a wonderful 16th birthday!!!!!!! LOVE YOU JEFF!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. OMH - I LOVE LOVE these pics....and I love that kid. Happy Bday Jeff!
