Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Day 237: And So It Begins!

So today it officially is now in session!!!!!!!!!! I have only started my USU Connections class, however, it is a class that counts for credits, so I can say school has begun, however not the way I thought it would.

So this morning I got up and was getting ready and everything was dandy! My roommates were up and getting ready and we had just the perfect amount of time left to finish up, make lunch, and walk down, however our perfect timing stopped very shortly when all of the sudden.........the FIRE ALARM went off!!!!!!!! We all just walked out of our rooms and looked at each other like are you freaking joking me?!?!?! So we all went down stairs and waited for further instruction. We had people all standing around that were completely ready, half ready, still and their Pjs, and my personal favorite......a boy standing in his towel. He had apparently been in the shower when the alarm went off and had no choice but to come out in a towel.......totally priceless!!!!! We finally got back in after being informed that pretty much our fire alarm is the most sensitive thing in the world. Apparently hair dryers and straighteners can set it off, along with hair spray and shower steam......ARE YOU JOKING ME?!?!?! We could be standing outside way too often if that is the case!

Well so we finally got back in and had to super get ready and our perfectly on time schedule turned into being 15 minutes late to class. Now there is the way to start off the school year! hahaha it kind of stunk, but at the same time it is a great story to tell in the future, and we were only all meeting in the concert hall so we really hadn't missed much.

Anyway so we got in there and had our little intro and sang the fight song and the Scotsman, which no body knew by the way, and just got ourselves started. Then after we walked to our classroom and got to know the people in our class and our teachers. It actually turned out to be A LOT better than I thought it would. I met some pretty cool people in my class and this really cute boy who is like the better, hotter, mormon version of a Jonas Brother ;D

But after we went to lunch, where I actually went and signed up for symphony auditions and walked campus for a little while and might I just add.......I LOVE IT!!!!! Campus is great and pretty easy to navigate if you can remember certain landmarks. Also I saw this super hot guy and might I just add.....he was no freshmen.....he was B-E-AUTIFUL!!!! I am soooooo ready for college to really start on monday!

Then later we all met back up and meshed with another class and just had questions answered and played a game of Jeopardy, where I got to sit next to the cute guy and surprisingly enough, he actually talked to me and had a good time!!! Now if this whole sitting next to cute guys who talk to me could just keep it up and then bump it up to a date.....I would be one happy little aggie girl!!!!! Can I just say I also like how people are so isn't like high school at all! As soon as we all could talk we all just started introducing ourselves and finding stuff out about each other and everyone was really friendly and not judgmental at was WONDERFUL! Even just random guys I would walk past on campus would just say was AWESOME! I so do not feel like a loser. I thought it would be so hard to make friends and have people to talk to today, but it turned out much better than I had planned!

Well there is my 1st day of connections. Sorry it was so long, but there is just so much to tell! Well I better go....kaelyn and I are going to head down to the big connections carnival, dance, free food thing-a-ma-bob! I am hoping that turns out well........TOOTLES!!!!!


  1. Yay! I'm so glad your "first" day was so wonderful-sounds like you're fitting in great with the people around you, especially having left the HS scene of immaturity that sometimes abounds. And we'll be up there this Saturday! I think we're headed to Bear Lake for most of the day, but maybe we could meet up in the evening if you're free! Love you and MISS YOU TONS!!

  2. jr high, high school, college...isn't it awesome how it just keeps getting better - LOL! I am just grinning huge hearing about your day! Hugs!
