Sunday, August 29, 2010

Day 241: A Lot of Firsts

So yesterday I went grocery shopping for the first time as a growned up. I mean I have gone by myself before, but never as a college student all on my own in a foreign grocery store. Then later that night we had a blast! USU had a back to school bash, which was really just a concert, but it was great. This band called Barcelona played and they were awesome. Not exactly the music I would have picked for a back to school bash, but their music was way good. I need to go hit up the itunes to see if they have any cds!!! I also experienced my first mosh pit last mosh pit....who would have thunk it. I felt so cool. It was really hot, slightly gross and you were practically gropping and/or standing on top of each other, but it was awesome!!!!!!

Then later we headed down to Nathan's apartment and ate ice cream and watched a movie and got home super late hahaha! Oh college's such a love/hate relationship!

Well then this morning I got up and got ready and went to my first official student ward, which wasnt bad. We only had sacrament today though, because at 4pm we had a huge meeting at the spectrum to talk about YSA and the new stakes and stuff. Later we came home then went down to our building meeting and kind of met everyone.

Then after that I headed over to Kari's (Lauren's sister) house for dinner. She was so nice and made dinner for a three of us freshmen for kind of like a good luck/welcome dinner! It was yummy. Then I came home and did laundry for the first time all by myself......I feel so growned up!

Well I better go. Classes start tomorrow and its late.........TOOTLES!!!!!

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