Monday, September 6, 2010

Day 249: Labor Day Weekend

Oh what a fabulous Labor Day weekend. I stayed most the weekend with my roommates and went to church....which might I add was the longest church ever! An hour and a half of testimony meeting is a little excessive....although on the plus side, we all had a good laugh during the closing hymn.

Anyway after church yesterday, Caitlin and I drove back down to go home for last night and tonight. Caitlin's dad came and picked her up cuz I stayed in Kaysville to have dinner with my dad and the fam....which was fabulous by the way! Then later Jeff, Dad, Matt and I all caught up on some MI-5 episodes.....what can I say, Dad hooked me on them, then later me and Jeff drove back down to West Jordan. Sadly when I got home mom was already asleep, but she woke up so I ended up talking to her for a little while and then I hit the hay.

Then this morning I had loads of fun. Me and Kathryn went out to breakfast and found out we really are more alike then either of us realized. Then we went and kidnapped Alex and went down town and wandered temple square for a little while! It was so nice to get to hang out with a couple of my best friends and I cant wait til I go home next to see them and my other best friends!!!

Then after that I went up to Bountiful where we had our annual Labor Day family Picnic thing-a-ma-bob. So I got to see and spend time with all my family which was way nice. Then after lunch, as is tradition, we went swimming over at the rec center. Then I went back to dad's, had a bit to eat and came back up to Logan. It was a short weekend, but totally worth it!

I didn't realize how much I missed my family and friends, but seeing them all made me realize how much I do miss them, but that also meant that I realized how close to them I am and how blessed I am to have them in my life! It was the perfect Labor Day weekend and sadly it is over and I have to go to class again tomorrow.....bummer. Well I guess life must go on.........TOOTLES!!!!!!

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