Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day 250: Alumni

Today was pretty long but it was still a good day. I went to all my classes, which were long today, but I finally got home and was able to catch up on a few things and chill for a little while. Then after I had dinner I headed over to the Alumni house for my meeting.

Since I received a scholarship from the alumni, I had to join the club, however I think it is going to be totally fun to be in the SAA (student alumni association). The people were just great and fun and just really chill about the whole thing. Everyone was really nice and I felt so comfortable. It was the closest thing I have felt to being back with my orchestra family and I loved it! We have a BBQ tomorrow and I cant wait.

Then later we just had some people over and chilled and talked for a while......well i am off......TOOTLES!!!

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