Saturday, September 11, 2010

Day 254: Canyon Fun

So last night was loads of fun! We had nothing to do last, so Caitlin in all of her genius, thought maybe we should go up in the canyon and make hobo dinners! I was so thankful for the idea because I had NOTHING to do last night!

So around 8ish we all met up and split up in cars and headed up. Nathan, Matt, Cherise and I were and one car and Kaelyn, Caitlin, Lindsey and Bevin were in the other car. It was loads of fun! My car was in charge of finding the camp site, so we went up a little ahead of the other group while they went to the grocery store. We finally found a site and and started to make a fire....which took a lot longer than we thought, but Nathan and Matt finally got it going! Bevin, Lindsey, Caitlin and I all got dinner ready and then we all fixed our dinners and just sat around the fire and waited until we had enough coals to put our dinners in. It was soooooo cold, but it was still way fun! For dinner, we had hobo dinners, which consisted of potatoes, carrots, meat, cream of chicken and a little BBQ sauce all wrapped in tin foil. It was sooooo good and it was totally worth waiting until 11pm to eat dinner.

While we waited around for the coals to heat up, we just talked and laughed and me and a couple of the other girls even broke out some awesome girls camp songs! Finally our dinner was ready and we ate, then packed up our stuff and headed back home.

We then ended up just changing out of our gross camp smelling clothes and then we all squished ourselves into Nathan's car and headed over to his house to watch a movie! We ended up watch Sahara and even though we were all in a nice warm house with lots of blankets, none of us could get warm. It was all highly entertaining! Then we after we all headed home and went to bed!

It was so fun last night and I am so glad that Caitlin came up with this awesome plan because it was way fun!

Not much else to report on, but I will say this....TONIGHT IS THE FIRST AGGIE HOME GAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am BEYOND excited!!!!!!! We play Idaho State and I have no idea how the game is going to go. We only lost by a touchdown last week against Oklahoma Univ. which is saying something because they are ranked like 7th or something like that! We might just be able to hold our own tonight. I think between how much our team has improved and our awesome school spirit, we might just win tonight......FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!

Well I think I am going to go. I will have a football updates tomorrow.......TOOTLES!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. What a blast! I love simple ideas like that :) Go Aggies!
