Sunday, September 12, 2010


So last night was my first official aggie game......AND IT ROCKED!!!!!!! I have pics but I still cant put them up yet because I dont have a memory card reader, but as soon as I get one, they are all going up! On top of it being my first game, one of my bestest friends came up and visited to and then a few of us went to the game! We played Idaho State and creamed them. We won 38 to 17.....IT WAS AWESOME!!!!!!!!

After I met up with Kaelyn, Caitlin, Cherice, Nathan, Matt, Gentry, Lindsey and Bevin and went to the football game after party! It was awesome! Kaelyn, Gentry, Cherice, Matt and I all ended up kind of hanging out and we all just party and danced hard! We had a great time and I really dont understand how people go clubbing all the time, but I love it! Later Matt, Gentry, Kaelyn and I all ended up walking back up through the cemetery to our house and getting stuff to eat. Then we just kinda chilled and hung out for a while then Cherice met back up with us. We really didnt do much, but just chill and talked which was way fun.

Then for some reason we ended up going next door to the boys apartment and watched some youtube videos and talking to them as well. We didnt go to bed until like 2, but it was sooooo much fun! I really cant tell you how much I love college! It is soooooo much fun!

Even today was lots of fun. Church went on forever but then I ended up going to Mike's for dinner and then I came back and talked with the boys next door and went to ward prayer! It has been a great day and I cant wait for this next weekend either! It is great!!!! Well I better go.....TOOTLES!!!!!!

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