Monday, September 20, 2010

Day 263: To Have Peace and Happiness

So last Sunday, Elder Richard G. Scott spoke at the CES fireside. Well I wasnt able to go, so I looked it up online and listened to his talk and can I just say what an amazing talk it was!

Richard G. Scott is such an amazing man and apostle! I always love listening to him speak because he speaks with such an assurance, patience, love and understanding. He is always one of my favorites to listen to at conference and I was so glad that he got to speak at a CES fireside!

His talk was entitled "To Have Peace and Happiness" and it focused entirely around marriage and dating and how we can have pure, never ending happiness while we are dating and once we are married! As of right now I am not dealing with either, but to hear his advice and stories about him and his amazing wife was truly inspiring! He is such an amazing man and I hope that someday my husband and I can be half as happy as he and his wife were!

I would recommend everyone listen to this talk whether you are married, dating or neither of the above, it is a talk that can remind you of how loved you are and all the simple and true treasures that God has given you. It is a little long, but it is worth every minute to sit down, take time and listen to it! Here is the address to watch it if you want,7341,395,00.html and if that doesn't work just google CES fireside schedule 2010 and then click on the 2nd link down which should say CES Fireside for Young Adults.

It really is an amazing talk and it just made me that much more excited for conference to come in a couple weeks. I always look forward to conference and I cannot wait to see what messages the prophets have to teach us here in a couple weeks!!!!!

I hope you get a chance to watch this talk and enjoy..........TOOTLES!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. awww...that was so good...thanks for sharing Kristen! Love and miss ya!
