Sunday, September 19, 2010

Day 262: Football

So last night, Maren, Saundra and I all went to the football game! We played Fresno State and were kicking some serious butt.....but then 4th quarter hit and we lost it. The game was so intense because we were constantly tied throughout the whole game and then the refs started not calling some serious calls and we just kind of lost it. The final score was 24 to 41.........bummer Aggies....bummer. Although on the plus side, the three of us had a great time and cheered really loud and it was just a load of fun!

I cant wait until our next home game!!!!!! Our next home game is on October 1st and we play BYU and man I hope we kick butt. I don't know if we will win, but I think we can a least have a good game! I believe in my Aggies!!!!!!!!

Well not much else to report on. I just had church today and that was about it. Well I am going to go.......TOOTLES!!!!!!!!

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