Saturday, September 18, 2010

Day 261: The Scarlet Pimpernel

Last night Lauren and I went to a production of The Scarlet Pimpernel!!!! It was awesome!!!! Lauren had to go to it for one of her classes and it is my most favorite book ever so we went last night!!!

We went down to the Eccles Theater down on main street which you could consider the Capitol Theater of Logan and it was awesome. The show was pretty good. It was opening night and it took the actors a few to get into show mode, but once they did it was great. It was a funny show and the three leads, Percy, Marguerite, and Chauvelin, were absolutely amazing! Their voices were flawless!!!! I have not heard singers like that in a long time. On top of that the pit did an amazing job also and the costumes were drop dead amazing and gorgeous!!!!! I was so glad I Lauren and I were able to go!

It is such a great book!!!! I saw the play for the first time when I was 12 and read the book and I have loved it ever since. It is a book all about war, love, secrecy, action and just about everything you would want in a book! I would recommend it to everyone to read at least once! It is just so amazing!

Well I am going to go. We have another football game tonight. It is USU vs Fresno State....I hope we can hold our own. I know nothing about Fresno State, but I just hope our Aggies can kick some football booty...........TOOTLES!!!!!

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