Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 260: Sleep....Who Was I Kidding?

So all through high school I heard that once you get to college you never sleep. Well of course I was like.....what are you talking about? I am so going to bed on time so I can be the best college student ever.......WHO WAS I KIDDING?!?! It really is true. College = little to no sleep. The worst part is I wasn't even my homework is done or close to being done around bed time, but then my roommates get home or they have friends over and we talk and party. Both Tuesday and Wednesday night, we just talked. Then last night Nathan and Matt came over to watch a movie and and Caitlin was making lemon bars, so I sat down and watched the movie. Then Cherice came home and then after we talked and then for some strange reason started watching youtube videos. I will tell ya that at 2am in the videos are hysterical!

We had a really fun time, but now I am kinda feeling the repercussions of the whole thing, but you know what......that is ok!!!!!! I have time to take a nap a little later. But as for now I am going to go finish up some laundry, write a missionary and then do a little homework......TOOTLES!!!!!

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