Thursday, September 23, 2010

Day 266: Plus Sides

So today I had my first college test was awful. I already got my score back and I did not do well at all. Although I do have a lot of plus sides to today!

Plus sides:
-My score for my test was in the class average so that means we all kind of sucked
-I now know what to do and what not to do to study and prepare for a test
-I walked with a cute boy from our awful test to the library......always a bonus!!!
-I had to sit through a 2 hour study session which isnt a plus side, but I now understand science a little better now
-Dinner tasted good
-The weather today was perfect
-I get to go do an astronomy observation tonight, so I get to look through the really big telescope and spend a little time chilling with one of my friends and look at the awesome stars
-I got to talk to one of my girlies on facebook....which was great cuz I miss my little small fry!
-My abs hurt, but it is a good hurting, from doing P90X with a couple of my roommates and guys from next door last night.......That was lots of fun hahaha
-Today is Thursday which means tomorrow is FRIDAY!!!!!

So even though I had a crappy test has been pretty great! Well I got to get ready to go look at stars........TOOTLES!!!!

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