Friday, September 24, 2010

Day 267: Sticky Note Wall

Today has been great!!!!!! I went to school today and luckily that went by super fast. Then I ended up going home and just played for the rest of the day! Saundra and I hung out with the neighbors then we ended up just chilling.

Here is the fun part of today..........STICKY NOTE WALL!!!!!!!! We came up with this brilliant idea to cover one of our entire walls in our living room with sticky notes! So we went to Walmart and got cheap sticky notes. Then I got home and we had to wait for Cherice to get home from practice and so Saundra and I ended up hanging up with Austin from next door. Austin and I ended up busting out our cellos and played for a little while and found out we were in Utah Youth together our junior year......who would have thunk it?!?!?!?! Then we ended up playing frisbee and just chilling for a little while and then the fun began!!!

We started on our sticky note wall and it is coming slowly but surely but it is looking great. We are deciding to do an Indian theme in our living room. We got the perfect colors, this awesome elephant hanging thing and a lamp thing!!!! I am so excited! So pretty much Caitlin, Cherice, Me, Saundra, Nathan, Terran and Austin have just been chilling here working on the wall, eating brownies and watching movies......IT'S BEEN A GREAT DAY..........TOOTLES!!!!!

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