Monday, September 27, 2010

Day 270: More Hours

There really are not enough hours in the day. Why cant there be more.....I don't think that is really asking too much! I have taken one big test and two little tests and done homework, yet I have much more to do.

As for right now I am taking a breather and blogging and sitting her with Saundra while she watches the Packers game. A little known fact about my roommates Saundra....she has a strong obsession with the Green Packers. At this moment she is wearing a Green Bay Hat, shirt, Bracelet and socks. She also has pants, pj's, blankets, a backpack and jackets all that bare the Green Bay logo. It is honestly the funniest thing I have ever seen.

I really would love to go to bed right now, but I have more homework and my poor little sweet roommate Cherice is sick and sleeping, so I don't want to wake her up. She had to get the flu shot for cross country and we are all pretty sure that the shot gave her some of the symptoms. Well ok I better go for real now and do some archaeology.........TOOTLES!!!!!!

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