Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Slight New Obsession

So for the past few weeks I have been hanging out with my neighbors, who are awesome by the way! The beginning of the summer was really boring and none of us were brave enough to go knock on someone's door and say, "Hey, let's do something!" Well we finally all ended up hanging out and for the past month or so we are always hanging out....it's awesome! But anyway, back to my slight new obsession.

My neighbor Maddie is a HUGE fan of The Big Bang Theory, and I have watched a couple episodes before, but never really gotten into it.....until now!

The past few nights when a bunch of us have hung out, we have stuck in Big Bang Theory while we are doing stuff! It is soooo funny! I haven't laughed this hard watching a show since Friends! I love how nerdy Sheldon and Leonard are! They are absolutely hysterical! And Raj and Howard are just the perfect nerdy comedic add on. I love their love for science and comic book heroes and everything! Then when you add in Penny, who is completely clueless but still loves her nerdy neighbors, the whole thing is just great! If you have never watched this show, I would highly recommend it! Luckily Maddie as all 3 seasons, so I am borrowing them and watching through so I can be caught up when the 4th season comes out! Well I am out for now....TOOTLES!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Oh! Dad and I are such Big Bang junkies - LOL! We have been watching past seasons all summer :D Bazinga!
