Saturday, January 30, 2010

Day 30: Michael Buble

Can I just say something?!?!?!? I LOVE MICHAEL BUBLE!!!!! Holy cow he is A-MAZ-ING!!!! I got his new cd for christmas and that is all I have really listened to in my car since then! Here are my reasons I love Michael Buble:
1. He is sexy
2: He can sing
3: He has a sexy singing voice
4: He sings good music. He does not sing the new hip music crap that you hear now, but he sings like all the old 40's music which is amazing.
5: I love all the elements of his music like the lyrics, the instrumentals, the intervals, the music keys (wow there is my Ap music moment for the day)
I mean come is he not sexy?!?!?!?! I love him!!! I would recommend his newest CD, Crazy Love, to everyone, especially if you like that really laid back, sweet sounding, 40's type music! The CD is just amazing! My most favorite song is probably Cry Me a River, however I also love Georgia on My Mind, Hold On, Havent Met You Yet, All I Do is Dream of You and Heartache Tonight! He is coming in concert on March 31st and wish I could go but I dont have a spare $200 laying around....bummer! All I have to say is........He. Is. AMAZING!!!!!!


  1. I love him too!!! Super hott and his voice is so amazing!!

  2. Kristen your post freaking crack me up! All the time. Remember how we are going to see him for my birthday!?!? hahaha lol
