Sunday, January 31, 2010

Day 31: My Little Bro & the Grammy's

Today has been pretty good! I went to church and then I have just chilled with my little brother and watched tv with him today....which I love! I never get to spend much time with Jeff anymore because we have school and work and friends and sports and music, so it is always fun just to chill with him every once and a while! We usually just watch tv together when we hang out but we always end up teasing each other and having fun! I am going to miss him when I go to college. I do not know what I am going to do without being able to tease him everyday!
Besides just having a good day with Jeff, I am have, and still am, watching the Grammy's. I love the Grammy's, it is the best awards show ever! You get to watch the awards part of the show, but you also get to watch all of the performances too! The other part I love is seeing all the different outfits that everyone shows up in! Some are just horrific, but others are just drop dead gorgeous! Well I am off to watch some more of the Grammy's......TOOTLES