Friday, January 8, 2010

Day 8: Wish Me Luck

What a long day!!!!! I started out at 4:30am for Early Morning Rehearsal, which is always fun! I also finally got my haircut and I feel wonderful....I feel about ten pounds lighter too hahaha!!!! However, the greatest part of the day was going with my two friends to ask their dates to Sweethearts. For both of them, we did some serious door bell ditching. The first one was successful, however the second one I had to dodge a tree branch and I think I got whiplash lol! However on the plus side....I think I am going to ask someone to Sweethearts!!! I really wanted to ask someone, but I wasnt sure and I was really wishy-washy, but I think I am going to do it!!! Wish me luck!!!!!!


  1. Do it! Your only in high school once. (I'm Chelsea big sis)

  2. Oh my! Is it who I think it is! You gotta ask him!
