Friday, February 26, 2010

57: Neverland

So today me, my mom and my dad all headed up to aggie-ville so that I could start figuring out the finer details of all that good college stuff and with that I have one thing to say............OH. MY. GOODNESS!!!! I am really excited for college, but today it kind of hit me that I am GOING to college. I got to see classes look like, look at housing, see students out on the campus....I mean really my day today was a day in the life as a college kid.....with her parents, but still the general idea was there. I'm not going to lie......I dont think I am ready. I guess there is this thing called SOAR (student orientation and registration) and I have to go up and it is a full day of orientation and seeing what student life is like. Then I realized I have to sign up for classes on that same day, but it isnt like high school where you can bring the paper home to mom and dad and talk about what classes would be good to take.....oh no.......I have to sign up for classes up there....ALL BY MYSELF! I know that sounds like not a huge deal, but it kinda is. I mean I will have an adviser that will help me, but I have no mom to tell me and agree with me that a certain class would be a good idea or that I should never take that class.....NO I HAVE TO FIGURE IT OUT BY MYSELF!!! I dont think I am ready........I still like fruit snacks and watching Phineus and Ferb......does that sound like someone who should go out into the real world and fend for herself.......I DONT THINK SO!!!!! I like growing up and being the big kid but there is a point where were I need to take a vacation to Neverland and never, NEVER come back.
I liked being little and having drama and problems that were only as big as your best friend stealing your purple crayon. I dont like this whole dealing with college expenses and finding a home and making all these big, important life decisions. Nope, I am done I am leaving them all behind and vacationing to Neverland.

I mean look at is that not perfect!?!?!?!?! I will escape all my troubles, be a kid forever, play with the lost boys and mermaids, have adventures, learn to fly, swim in the perfect and sparkling ocean and so much more! Yup that settles it...I am going to Neverland!!!!


  1. oh babe, you can do this. Just take a big breath.

  2. Can I go with you too? ha ha Kristen, I wish I could have been there-I know you have SO much going on and tons of hard decisions to make. I have all the faith in the world in you! And if you need me, you know I am only a drive away!!!! Logan or bust :)

  3. Now you know why Peter Pan is my ultimate hero little Bug... :)
