Saturday, March 6, 2010

Day 65: Love You Woof

So today has been a bit of a bitter sweet day. So my little dog, Trivil, has gotten really old and he was starting to have a really hard time getting around because of his arthritis and when we took him in for a check up yesterday the doctor said that it looked like that his abdominal organs were swollen, either that or he had a tumor. He wasnt, or at least didnt seem uncomfortable at all but he was just getting old and couldnt really do anything. Well today he did pass away. We werent expecting it to be so soon, which really sucks, but on the other hand it is good because he was getting so old that I dont think he was very happy.
I am going to miss my little woof. Sometimes he could be a little pill but I still love him. I have grown up with him my whole life and I dont know what it is like not to have him around. We rescued him from the pound when we lived in Wyoming when I was about 4 years old or so. He was such a good little dog. I loved hearing his collar jingle around when he walked or hearing him bark whenever the door rang. I also loved snuggling with him or having him come up and lick me when I wasnt feeling good. I loved how he would come wake me up by licking me too death in the morning or nudging my hand with his nose when he wanted his ears scratched. I love my little woof and it will be weird having him gone. LOVE YOU WOOF!


  1. I am so sorry.I know how strong the love for a dog can be.

  2. Sniff Sniff - I am so sorry Kristen - my heart aches for your heart ache. What a cute picture of your sweet poochie.
