Sunday, March 21, 2010

Day 80: Harry Potter

So I got home from church today and sat down to watch some tv and what happened to be on but Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. Well I hadnt watched that in a long time so I said, what they hey, lets watch it and I am so glad I did! I totally forgot how good Harry Potter is!!!! Well after that Harry Potter, the 5th came on!!!!! I LOVE HARRY POTTER!!!!! The movies are great and the books.......EVEN BETTER!!!! I am thinking I might start reading the books again! But I guess it is a Harry Potter weekend on ABC Family and guess what......they showed a preview of the new movie!!!!! IT LOOKS SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!! Part 1 of the new movie comes out in November and part 2 comes out June of 2011!!!! I'M SO EXCITED!!!!!
These movies are just so great! There is not a badly cast character and for the most part, the movies keep pretty good to the books, well except the 6th one, but even still it is really good!!!
I think Ron is probably one of my favorites. Partly because he is hysterical and partly because he is extremely good looking!!!!!!! He always makes me laugh really hard in the books and the movies!!!! He is just awesome!!!!

The twins are also two of my favorites!!! They are hysterical!!!!
Malfoy is probably one of my most favorite bad guys!!!!! He plays his part extremely well and in the 6th movie.....he was EXTREMELY good looking!!!!!!
The three of these guys just play off each other sooooo well!!!! Emma watson is sooooo gorgeous and the boys are good looking!!!! I am so glad that they will stay together until the end!!!! They are so much fun to watch and they were cast so perfectly!!!
Sirius Black is by far, besides Ron, my most favorite characters in the books and movies!!! Gary Oldman was cast PERFECTLY for this role!!!! He is such a good guy and just rocks!!! I love how is like the father figure but still is the best friend and mentor at the same time!!! It is just the ultimate good guy and is amazing!!!!

Well I am off to finish watching Harry Potter.......TOOTLES!!!!!!


  1. I started reading the books again an i'm falling in love all over!! HP pretty much the best thing ever!!!

  2. Oh man. First Shand and now you! What's the world coming to! jk

  3. I have never gotten into the Harry Potter thing, maybe I'll have to give it a try.
