Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day 96: 7th Chords

I would just like to state that dominant 7th chords suck!!!! They are hard to understand and I am not a fan. I am sure they stink because I missed the day in AP theory that we learned them, but they still stink. There is the dominant 7th chord in a major scale, but wait.....they are also used in the 3 versions of minor scales...harmonic, natural and melodic minor. They just dont make much since. And I kinda understand the diminished form, but not the other ones......IT JUST LAME!
I have become slightly frustrated because up to this point, I have understood everything else in theory, but this......AHHHHH! I understand 4 voice writing, major and minor triads, modes, chords, transposition, intervals, roman numeral analysis, figure base and so much more, but I dont understand 7th chords and when they are diminished and not diminished and their figure base symbols and what scales work with them and how to write their roman numeral analysis......IT SO FRUSTRATING!
The AP test is in one month........ONE MONTH, and we get all of our review packets, which from my understanding consists of like two tree fulls of packets, tomorrow. I am so close and everything makes sense, but this! I have to get this down because it will be on part of the test that I have to pass in order to pass the test because my sight singing abilities and ear training skills are not so great. I am slightly freaking out and I am sure it is because I am tired and frustrated, so I will leave at that for tonight and head off to bed so I can be sure to have my head on straight and in a good place for theory tomorrow! Goodnight everybody.......TOOTLES!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's all Greek to me. Good luck.

    Gave your mom my cousins number. Her name is Shelley, she lives up in Logan. Her and her husband Tom said you could call them any time.

    Saw Jeff driving today - totally freaked me out!
