Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Day 125: Swimming

Today has been.....good. It really needs to be Friday....I am tired and it is only Wednesdays.....I am ready for this week to be done!!!! Nothing bad has happened, I just want to be done.
Well as for today I worked on some AP theory stuff, worked on my quilt (which I love working on!!!!!!), went swimming and went to young womens.
I had to go swim for my final for my BYU Independent Study class. It felt great to swim! I haven't swam for a long time and I will feel it in the morning too, but I sure to love it! I have been swimming since I was super little and I have always loved it, however I don't like doing it for competition, I just like to swim. The nice thing about swimming is that you exercise everything. Your arms, legs, lungs, heart.....everything. The other nice thing is that you do not feel sweaty. I hate feeling sweaty, but when you swim you are already in water, so you never feel it!!!! It is all just so fantastic!!!
Well, I need to go revise my English paper so I am out.........TOOTLES!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Funny - Dad and Matt went swimming too! Come on summer!!!
